In every part of the world today the internet cafe business has become one of the most popular business options for investors and businessmen. More and more people are now turning to this business because of it low initial investment and high profits. Even the maintenance cost is very low since it only includes electricity bills or rent in case you don’t own the property.
Since this business is growing day by day because of the fact that more and more facilities are now being introduced for example fax machines, printing and teleconferencing. In its initial days a cyber cafe only consisted of the internet facility and so the check and balance of these facilities was not such a difficult task. But now when your internet cafe has about fifty computers and many supporting facilities manual management is just not an option. What these cafe managers now rely on are cyber cafe softwares designed specifically to aid in the management of the cyber cafe.
As the cyber cafe business is growing day by day so are the number of softwares that aid in its management. So choosing the right software that fulfils all your needs is a tricky task and certainly antamedia brings best cyber cafe software for you. Some of the features that one should look in just about all cafe management softwares are stated below
1. It should have the facility of automated billing so that the cafe manager does not need to check each and every computer, tell the user that their time of usage has expired rather the facility should automatically shut down as soon as the time runs out.
2. In case of any query by the user regarding the total cost, this software should be able to print or email a detailed document specifying which facility was used and for how much time.
3. The café manager should have the facility of introducing package that can be either prepaid or post paid. He or she should also be able to make changes in these packages at a later time.
4. In case there are a number of employees in the cafe, it should have the facility of assigning separate accounts to these employees with separate privileges’.
5. It should be as user friendly as possible so that the users should have no difficulty as far as the usage is concerned.
6. All these softwares should be completely compatible with the current operating systems.